

Where imagination meets innovation

War Dogs (2016) – A Darkly Comedic Dive into the World of Arms Dealing

As we embark on our cinematic journey of gratitude for the entire month of November, we’re excited to introduce an extra dimension to this experience. Alongside each movie review, we will also be featuring a 3D print inspired by the film of the day. These 3D prints aim to capture a piece of the movie’s essence, serving as tangible reminders of the stories and characters that have left a lasting impact on us. Let’s dive into the lineup, both on the screen and on your 3D printer!

Movie Review
3D Print
Where To Watch

War Dogs (2016)

“War Dogs,” directed by Todd Phillips and released in 2016, is a darkly comedic yet compelling exploration of the true events surrounding two unlikely arms dealers who found themselves embroiled in international arms trading during the Iraq War. Based on the book “Arms and the Dudes” by Guy Lawson, this film delves into a shady and complex world, offering a glimpse into the high-stakes game of defense contracting and the moral ambiguities that come with it.

The film stars Jonah Hill and Miles Teller as David Packouz and Efraim Diveroli, two friends who capitalize on a government initiative that allows small businesses to bid on military contracts. What follows is a roller-coaster ride through the arms trade, rife with danger, deception, and a fair share of humor.

Why We Should Be Grateful for the True Events Portrayed in the Movie:

  1. Shedding Light on a Little-Known Industry: “War Dogs” offers a rare peek into the world of international arms dealing, a highly secretive and often obscure industry. By portraying these true events, the film provides a level of transparency that allows us to better understand this shadowy world.
  2. Exploring the Complexities of War Profiteering: The film invites us to contemplate the moral and ethical dilemmas associated with war profiteering. It shows us how individuals can be drawn into morally ambiguous situations, and it encourages us to consider the consequences of unchecked capitalism in the context of war.
  3. A Reminder of Government Oversight: “War Dogs” serves as a reminder of the importance of government oversight and accountability, particularly in the context of military contracting. It underscores the necessity of checks and balances to prevent corruption and ensure that taxpayer dollars are used wisely.
  4. Encouraging Critical Thinking: The film encourages viewers to think critically about the motivations and actions of those involved in the arms trade. It raises questions about the human cost of war and the role of individuals who profit from it, sparking conversations about the ethics of such activities.

In conclusion, “War Dogs” is a thought-provoking film that combines dark humor with a sobering exploration of a real-life arms dealing scandal. By shedding light on this little-known industry, it invites us to contemplate the complexities of war profiteering, the need for government oversight, and the moral implications of profiting from conflict. The true events portrayed in the movie encourage us to engage in discussions about the impact of defense contracting on the global stage and the importance of ethical decision-making in business and politics.

3D Print

I found this Taliban Team on Thingiverse and thought it paired well with this gun toting movie.

Find the file HERE

Where to Watch

Amazon Prime
Google Play

Previously #14: All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)

Next #16: 1917 (2019)

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