

Where imagination meets innovation

Lithophane Night Lights

Why Lithophane Nights? Personalization for our customers, great gifts for loved ones (which is what I am always on the lookout for.)  If it works as a great gift, it will work for someone else as a great gift. 

I started my journey with deciding to use my new Ender 2 for this task.  Smaller print bed with a 0.4mm nozzle on sounded like a great place to start.  My Ender 2 also has a magnetic bed, which helps with bed adhesion.  No glue stick and no brim please.

My research brought me to and then shortly there after to ‘s guide on getting your printer ready and making a printer profile just for lithophanes on your slice.  I have pictured my settings I currently use on my cura.

Cura Settings for Lithophanes

Some of my favorite printed items have been family’s favorite photos that show GREAT detail in these lithophane night lights.  Here are some photos of some of my results.  I know there are some more setting I need to work on, such as the seam, and will post any changes I make to create a cleaner print.  Thanks for stopping by and please check out some of our lithos for sale: Starry Night, The Great Wave And Personalized.

Here are some photos of what the lithophanes look like NOT lit up. The darkest part of the photo is going to be thick with filament while the lighter sections have less filament. Keep this in mind when choosing your photos.

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