

Where imagination meets innovation

Hollow Dragons

Getting ready for spooky season and Halloween is something I look forward to every year which starts when I am tired of summer, which is pretty much right after spring. This year I started a list of Halloween designs I would like to have printed and available for those interested. I am happy that Cinderwing3D released their amazing Hollow Dragon. Printed in white, it has bones for fringing, bat like wings and skulls along it’s spine. I have printed 1 wingless and 1 winged dragon at a 60% ratio and am very impressed with how it turned out.

Printing these with a 0.4mm at 40mm/s speed, these do take a while to print. Longer print times to over a day for the sized up version at 90% original stl size. The larger sized ones will unfortunately be a much slower sell due to their higher price. The larger ones are also a better print due to the design.